Description: Yes we combine shipping for multiple purchases.Add multiple items to your cart and the combined shipping total will automatically be calculated. 1944 February Motorcyclist Motorcycle Magazine Harley-Davidson Indian WWII CONTENTSReport to Our ReadersBy Arthur E. Welch ...........Transcontinental Record MakersBy J. J. O'Connor..................Indian Military Transverse Twin. ... . . .Trailblazers Meet Again.................Connecticut "Pleasure" JauntBy Francis E. Richardson...........Service Men's GreetingsBy Louise Scherbyn..............Here's What They Say..................30 Years Ago by Van..................Stalling Around With Steele........What's Doing With the Clubs..........7The MOTORCYCLISTFebruary, 19446^JranicontinentciHRecord /f/zz/.wjOF THE EARLY DAYS OF MOTORCYCLINGHere is Retold the Saga of One of the EarliestMotor Ocean-to-Ocean Treks Made by Famous “Cannonball" BakerBy J. J. O’CONNORMotorcycle competition takesmany forms, ranging from a onemile speed trial against time toa transcontinental record run. There evenhave been ’round the world motorcycletrips, too, but these hardly could becalled “competition” for they were go-as-you-please affairs with no official su-pervision.Unprejudiced motorcyclists pretty muchagree that the toughest job a rider cantackle in a bid for fame and monetaryreward is a transcontinental record trial.It is a day and night grind, over allkinds of roads and in all kinds of weath-er, and the “pressure” is on the fellowin the saddle every minute from start tofinish. While that is true of all competi-tion, there is nothing that compares witha “trans” for the duration of that “pres-sure.”There have been many coast-to-coastrecord runs, in both directions, but theunquestioned champion in this form ofcompetition is “Cannonball” Baker, ofIndianapolis, now retired from the speedgame. During his active long-distancecareer Baker made over 60 transcontin-entals, many of them on motorcycles ofvarious makes, and the rest in automo-biles. It is safe to say that no otherliving rider has made a half dozen suchocean-to-ocean dashes, so that clinchesBaker’s title beyond argument.Baker started playing around with mo-torcycle competition in his home town,around 1906. dabbling in track racing atthe State Fair grounds. He won a racethere in 1908. at which President Wil-liam Howard Taft was a guest of honor,and later presented Baker with a silvercup. Baker is very proud of this, for itis the only time on record when anAmerican President took personal officialcognizance of motorcycling as a sport.Probably because of his immense phy-sique, Baker decided that he was notdestined to be a top-notcher in trackracing. In all likelihood, also, he did notlike the risks involved in sliding throughdust clouds on dirt tracks. At any rate,before he got cracked up, he decided togo in for long distance riding, for whichphysically he was much better equipped.So pretty soon we find him figuringprominently in long endurance runs and,in between times, setting inter-city rec-ords. Such records, incidentally, werefar faster than existing automobile rec-ords of authentic fact. Hardened byThis picture reproduced from Western Motor-cyclist of May, 1914, shows the ''Cannonball''all set and rarin' to go.dealers in the districts where Bakerchose to do his stuff.His endurance run experience and hissuccess with inter-city record making, ashe took on longer mileage jobs, gavehim the transcontinental record bug, andhe nursed it along carefully. With typi-cal carefulness he studied maps and gath-ered information on roads and weatherconditions. He also scurried back andforth across country, casually and quiet-ly, filling notebooks with data, learningshortcuts through towns, tabbing dealerswhere he could be sure of adequate serv-ice on the double quick, arranging forpilot guides where he felt them desirable,tough endurance runs through mud andmountains, Baker found something verymuch to his liking in setting inter-cityrecords, and he began to roll them uplike the proverbial snowball in numer-ous parts of the country. He was aptto turn up anywhere and the next youknew there was an inter-city record storyin the papers in that vicinity. All ofwhich was good publicity for Indianand organizing the myriads of details,that meant the difference between suc-cess and failure when he finally got un-der way.When his plans were complete, Bakerwent to Springfield and made a dealwith Frank Weschler of Indian to go forthe transcontinental record on a percent-age basis—i.e., so much per hour, for ev-ery hour clipped from the existing mark.This was the first time than a transcon-tinental record job was put on a businessbasis with a definite compensation pro-vided for, according to the measure ofthe performance. Previous coast-to-coastspeeders had been quite content to gettheir expenses and a special price ontheir machines, from the factory. Somedid not even get that much.This was in the spring of 1914. Indianfixed up a current model Indian two-speed for Baker, just the way he want-ed it, and shipped it to him at San Diego,Calif., which he had chosen for his start-ing point. He also did something no pre-vious “trans” rider had done—he got anofficial F.A.M. sanction for the trial, toinsure his time being recognized as au-thentic and his record accepted for thebook. In addition, he also arranged forAssociated Press checking and picturesat important cities en route. Gas, oil,parts and pilots were awaiting him at pre-arranged points.In addition to his percentage deal withIndian, Baker also had bonus arrange-ments with the manufacturers of everysingle item of equipment he used, andeverything he wore on his person. Gas,oil, tires, chains, lights, carburetor,speedometer, clothing, goggles, puttees,shoes, watch, gloves, batteries, plugs,handlebar grips, brake lining and whatnot. All were in on pay-off contracts,based on Baker setting a new recordand the extent to which he broke the oldone- This set-up indicated his rare de-gree of business acumen, not usuallyfound in motorcycle record-makers.After his machine was uncrated in SanDiego, Baker spent threq days puttingthe final touches on it. It was a stockJ0^ Indian wanted it that way—exceptfor double size gas and oil tanks. Soineof those “final touches” were things hkethis: taping and shellacking the lea*sPnngs of the cradle fork and frameto prevent them breaking when hittingchuck holes at high speed; shellackingot all nuts not castellated; taping of allpins, joints and fuel connections and, lastof all, a 15-pound sheet of boiler plate,bolted to the frame under the motor toserve as a shield against flying stones,rocks and other obstacles which mightsweep the muffler off, or punch a holein the crankcase. All these little trickswere the fruit of long experience, in hav-ing things go wrong and figuring thebest way to prevent them happeningagain.Finally came the Great Day, Sunday,May 3, 1914. The F.A.M. officials werethere, the press was there, the movieswere there and, likewise, a bunch of mo-torcycle riders. The Carnegie Libraryon F street was selected as the startingpoint. It was raining when the boys be-gan to gather early! Then it stopped fora little while and the movies groundout some film of a pre-start. Then itdarkened again and it looked like morerain but Baker wasn't bothered. He waswell used to riding in the rain.With all the preliminaries and fare-wells disposed of, Starter Charles FullerGates, squeezed his finger on the triggerof his trusty starting pistol, right on thedot of 9:00 a.m., the timers’ watchessnapped and Baker was on his way toNew York. His schedule called forabout 3172 miles of riding, and it ac-tually proved to be 3362 miles. His routetook him through California, Arizona,New Mexico, Colorado, Kansas, Miss-souri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, West Vir-ginia, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, intoNew York, 13 states all told. It was avery direct course, bearing slightly northall the time, and is the accepted trans-continental tourist route today betweenLos Angeles and New York.Baker’s schedule called for making therun in 17 days. Had this been followedhe still would have lowered the old rec-ord by a comfortable margin. The markhe was shooting at was a transcontinen-tal from San Francisco to New York of3071 miles, by Volney Davis, on an In-dian, in 20 days, 9 hours, 1 minute, madein July, 1911. As it was, when he rolledoff the Jersey ferry onto Forty-secondstreet, New York, at 12:10 a.m., Friday,May 15, Baker had covered 3362 milesfrom San Diego, in 11 days, 12 hours,10 minutes.Baker traveled 291 miles farther thanDavis and lowered the latter’s time by8 days, 20 hours, 51 seconds. However,Davis traveled more or less leisurely, tothe extent that he did no night ridingand was not shooting at a schedule. Helikewise did not have the cash contractson a time basis which Baker rode for.and naturally these were a powerful in-centive to make the fastest possible speed.Incidentally, Baker’s time was over aweek faster than the existing automobilerecord.Davis’ mid-summer trip gave him bet-ter weather breaks than Baker enjoyed,even though the latter followed a moresoutherly route. In addition to snow, rain,heat and cold. Baker had plenty of toughroads and mountain climbing, as well asdesert sand. At times he took to the tiesuntil he overtook a freight train, whenLanrani e ^JivcnMILITARY MODELLEFT—This head-on view shows the massive op-posed cylinder heads with cooling fins and sparkplug locations. Each piston has its own carburetor.BELOW—Right side view of the Indian MilitaryModel showing shaft drive and oval fork girderswhich are controlled by extension springs withhydraulic damping cylinder between. Side-valveunit has 27/b" bore and 3V4" stroke.ABOVE—Left side view of Indian Transverse Twin shows the rocking heel and toe gear changepedal controlling the four speed box. Gear ratios are 5.10, 6.45, 10.09 and 14.20 to 1. Power istransmitted through a handle bar controlled single-plate clutch. Front and rear internal expandingbrakes of 8-inch diameter are provided.Descriptions courtesy of "Motor Cycling." These photos and specifications were released inJuly, 1943, and therefore do not necessarily describe present models.10The MOTORCYCLISTFebruary, 1944HI, YOU SERVICE MEN—This month we’re going to ask you allto send in the names of your buddies whonever receive mail. Just write to any ofthe Motor Maids, or to your associateeditor, and we’ll have a letter speeded onits way.GOODGreetings from Fayetteville, NorthCarolina! Since my husband is locatedhere in an army camp and 1 lived in SouthLincoln, Mass., it didn’t take me long todecide where I wanted to be so I boughta trailer, rolled my Junior Scout insideand hit the southern trail. I had a lovelytrip, now and then a glance at a passingcyclist. I’m parked in a nice trailer siteonly about a half-mile from town andabout seven miles from camp. Every onein this clan seems very friendly. This townis very pleasant and it does seem good tobe able to escape the cold northern cli-mate and maybe be able to ride the bikemore this winter. There are two motor-cycle shops in town so it shouldn’t belong before I get acquainted.It won’t be long, we know, until youhave the Axis all licked and to all of you,good luck and God Speed home.Vera MacLennanFayetteville, N. C.It’s been a long time since I’ve addedmy two bits worth to these columns butyou know how busy a person can be.And especially with AWVS, GSO, USO,BGL, and just plain working during theday. I can see these codes or rather let-ters have you guessing but as space does-n’t permit me to write them out in full,you’ll just have to drop me a line to findout what they stand for (well, that’s oneway to get you fellows started in writingto a sister motorcyclist anyway.)It’s been terribly cold here in Kansaswith a big snow last week of six inches.But it was a beautiful snow, all soft andfluff}’ and not that miserable wet kind thatpacks so hard.Incidentally as a result of that snow-storm, I now have the flu and am con-fined to my bed for a few more dayswhich lets me catch up on my letter writ-ing. There is always some good in every-thing, isn’t there?The boys at the Air Base and WinterGeneral who have always been used towarm weather are sure cursing the snowand then some of them are really thrilledTed Fonts—motorcyclist enthusiast ofPalisade, Colo.over it as they have never seen snow be-fore. Imagine that, fellows, in our ownU.S.A, who’d never seen snow before?I had a very nice Christmas this yearand I surely hope you did, too, in thebest way you could. How about writingme about it? ’Course it wasn’t like theChristmases I've had before but consider-ing all, it was nice. I went to the U.S.O.Christmas night and I guess the boys fromaround the camps here really appreciatedwhat we hostesses did for them. I knowone soldier said, “Gee, next to being homewith the wife, this is the next best thing,”so why wouldn’t we be happy, too? Soyou see, fellows, your “one and only” isdoing her part back home and still beingtrue blue to you.If this letter doesn’t sound so newsy,please blame it on the flu, but I don’tlet a little illness bother me from tryingto do my part any more than you fellowsare on that tough job you’re doing. Hop-ing this year will be a happier one foryou all.Virginia Faulk119 Buchanan StreetTopeka, KansasHow’dy fellows! May I come into yourfoxhole a moment? It has been very coldin Ohio throughout December and Janu-ary so I haven't been doing so much rid-ing on my Harley-Davidson. I have ahabit of putting on all the clothes I possi-bly can and the group I ride with do razzme. But it is cold riding these days and Iguess they forget I'm quite new.In September 1 drove to myabout 120 miles from Columbus ivsquirrel hunting. Next to my cycle, I lovemy rifle. Maybe I could shoot a Jap ortwo if I got close enough to one.A few weeks ago I had the misfortuneto have my nice shiny gas cap stolenwhile I was attending a neighborhoodmovie. Now I have an old galvanized cap,the new type, and it looks terrible. Chromeaccessories have almost completely disap-peared from the shops and to keep whatwe have, we really need a padlock.A flock of big scores to all of you fel-lows and here’s to a victorious year.Josephine FoldenColumbus, Ohio111It looks as though the man power short-age has really hit these columns. So I’llcontribute my part hoping to help a little,as a former Harley-Davidson booster.Today with this war ranging all aroundhometo gous everywhere, I know most of us arc alllongingly looking back to the sport ofyesteryears and ahead someday when thefinal victory has come to rest with theAllies and all of you boys return to yourhomes and it will be then the road willbeckon once more for all of us. Onceagain we’ll climb aboard to exploreregions near and far. Many of these tripswill be lands which in pre-war daysseemed unattainable. I, for one, am eager-ly looking forward to a jaunt into aforeign land. I’d like to hear from someof you fellows who might add a fewpoints of interest for such a trip.Keep up the good work, each hour isdrawing you nearer to a victory which ispredicted for 1944.Joseph N. NugentBox 145, Wethersfield, Conn.111Again, here is just a short line lettingyou boys know all is well and that I’llgladly help to send those letters to youas some of you already know. I’ll continueto do my best keeping your service post-man busy so write in from where ever youarc and I’ll do my best. Good luck.Mary GoodmanDes Moines, IowaWe have around 30 boys in the servicesfrom Muskegon and here’s hoping manyof them will read these few lines. Ourservice flag hangs in our motorcycle shop,the stars of which form a double V andone gold star at the bottom. Eight or tenare overseas and we are glad to hear fromeach of them. Our present gang is quitenew—that is, in addition to a few of theolder ones who are not in service. Wehave about 25 new riders and more tryingto get bikes.Our girl’s club hasOur President—v is secretary and I ami penny raffle every14 members atis Ella Doult,present. (___Marian Lambert io otreasurer. We have a _______jmeeting night and we generally take in 65to 75 cents on that. Our dues are 50 centsmonthly. We also held a series of cardparties and dances to raise money to helpfinish our room in the new club housewhich has been built in the last two yearsat the bottom and to the right of Mt.Garfield. Our building is 30 x 60 with themain floor as a dance hall and the clubrooms are in the basement. It is beingfinished in knotty cedar wainscoting withcelotex tile board ceilings and the wallover the wainscoting is light colored wallboard. When the boys come home weanaan J goodgoingomeLOUISE SCHERBYNhope they’ll find this one of the best clubhouses in the country.Dan, friend husband, is working 8 hoursdaily at the Continental Air Test besidesworking from 8:00 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. inhis motorcycle shop. In between timesince March, 1941, he writes three or fourletters every night to the boys who havebeen called to the colors.We have only one machine just nowfor the two of us but we each take ourturns at the controls. Not so long ago,our present gang took a 100-mile trip toLudington, Scottville, Baldwin and Ne-waygo. That was my last trip. With nextspring our hopes are that the Axis willhave been blown off the earth and motor-cycles will once again roll freely with allof you boys back for the first big hill-climbs and club gatherings.Mrs. Gay RaymondMuskegon, Michigan111Here I am saying “hi!” to you fellowsagain in Uncle Sam’s uniforms. TonightI have been re-reading a few back num-bers of the Motorcyclist. Not too farback, just '39 and ’40 when I first startedriding and attending motorcycle meets.Aren’t we all dreaming for that great daywhen we will again have meets? Manyof us will have that brand new job withall the post war improvements and othersare shining up the old ones now and get-ting ready to ride that long, long trailagain. Sometimes I wonder will we everwant to call it quits even for a little while?Oh, well, it’s winter time here now andwe must dream until spring and peaceand I hope you fellows won’t be confinedto dreams any longer than that either.My thirty-fifty has had a thorough over-haul job, a new coat of white and blackpaint, and as many shiny chrome gadgetsas I could find to put on it. So there'snothing more to do but just dream forbetter times and an early victory. Keepyour chin up and we on the home frontcertainly would love to pat each and everyone of you on the back. Your big sister,Emma MehanMechanicville, N. Y.1This is my first visit with you boys butI am writing to a great many of you in-dividually. I would like to write moreoften to more of you but it seems asthough the hours aren’t quite long enough.I am employed in the production officeat the Jaeger Machine Company and playon the intramural soft ball and basket-ball teams. I'm also learning how to flyso that I can join the Women’s Air Force.That will probably take a good six monthsbut I love it. My Aunt Nelle Jo Gill whois a WAC in the Army Air Forces taughtme how to ride a motorcycle, how tobowl, and swim, and all about planes.I ve also given my blood to the BloodDonor Center three times and I will con-tinue as long as it is needed.The Sunday before Thanksgiving I tookpart in a club run. It was a lot of funeven if I did freeze and didn’t get so manypoints. I have been riding my Harley-Davidson back and forth to work everyday up until recently but with the adventof bad weather I've decided to cover it upfor awhile.I’m going to try to write again shortlyand in the meantime I hope you boyswill write and I'll promise to answer.Jane FarrowColumbus, Ohio111Here’s a special few words to theMarines. We all have heard about thegreat battles you have so nobly foughtand won, and to you boys in the Marineswe know you’ve had one of the toughestactivities ever to be undertaken in thiswar. We realize, too, that much of thiswas the same American spirit that oncepredominated in the home field in afriendlier sport. So. three cheers for you.My brother was home on furlough fromthe army in September but he is now inHawaii. He certainly gave his cycle plentyof exercise while he was home and sincethe Infantry does a powerful lot of march-ing it was a relief for his tired feet.I have sold my own 45 and have takenover his 74 OHV for the duration so hismachine will be waiting for him when hegets back.We miss you all no end and we’re look-ing forward to seeing you one of thesedays. We hope it’s soon.Betty HildockUniontown, Penna.111Hi, all you guys and gals in the serviceand elsewhere. I’ll just drop in for a fewseconds and say hello for I can’t stay long’cause the Navy on Eastern Aircraft re-quests me to be on the job every day ata given time to push several hundred lit-tle rivets into several hundred little holesand secure them into position with mylittle rivet gun so that our boys can havea few more of those flying gadgets called“airplanes” to fight with.llSwing shift, lack of gasoline, and lotsof rain, snow and sleet, have all combinedinto making me wear out my No. 18coupon. They have more or less put meback on my feet. Once in awhile we feelthe saddle on the seat of our breechesand the throttle in our hand, but not toooften these days. But the good old desirefor the wind rushing past my face stillexists and when the conflict is over. I’llstill be among the members present whenthe “motorcycle fraternity” has its rollcall.I gotta go now. Will try to drop inagain one of these days when time per-mits. Be seein’ you in person at the firstbig motorcycle event, be it Langhorne,Daytona or Tim-buck. Adios.Lonnie E. ParkerPlainfield, N. J.111From way up here in the North countrywe really haven’t much news about mo-torcycles just now but I might add a lineabout a short jaunt my husband and Itook on my B.S.A. in September. FromMontreal we went to Ottawa and thenrode down towards Kingston, Quebec,with a brief three day stop at picturesqueRock Lake which is about 26 miles northof Kingston. I caught quite a number offish and as we camped out, they did makea fine meal. There is very pretty scenerybetween Ottawa and Kingston, the coun-try being quite hilly with lots of lakes.After this conflict is over I'm dreaming ofseeing Nova Scotia by motorcycle.My husband tried to knock a street carover the other day but all he did was hurthis hand and smash my headlamp andbend the crashbars. I told him that wasthe last time he could take it alone. Hehas only been driving since spring andwhen he drives, his eyes are all over theroad. I have driven it three years andhaven't spilled yet and why should he?Mr. Radmore, our local dealer, had avery bad fire in his store this Fall butthe remodeling is now all completed andour motorcycle shop again ready foreveryone.Until victory the best of good luck toyou over there.Irene WilsonVille La Salle. Que.111On this last lap in this great race forvictory, all the luck in the w’orld to you.Home Front GangErnie Troutman—an oldtimer who still rides'em in Atlanta, Ga.12The MOTORCYCLISTFebruary, 194413SOMEWHERE IN THE PACIFIC—“Here’s the loot for my subscription. Howabout digging up some old pictures, etc.,and putting them in the magazine? I’mgetting corny with those letters to thefellows from babes the majority of us onlyheard of. Besides you’re not indebted toHarley or Indian so why not get somegood articles on British bikes. If anyonewere to ask me, which they won’t, Ameri-can companies will face stiff competitionfrom the foreign makes after the war.. . . (censored.) After the smooth han-dling and acceleration of the British mod-els, Triumph, especially, I’m sold. ThatTiger 100 is a real sport machine. So helpme, if you print this, I’ll wring your neck.My best pals used to be Indian and Har-ley riders and if they found out I turnedtraitor—well, just don’t print this withmy name.—(Name withheld by request.)COLUMBUS, OHIO—“Here’s my re-newal. I have enjoyed your magazine forthe past three years and am looking for-ward to the day when you get advertisingin and can expand it to the size it usedto be in former times. Am riding myfourth cycle, having bought a ’41 IndianSport Scout since I’ve been in the AirCorps. Best of luck to you in the yearsto come.”—Pfc. P. H. Richmond,Lockbourne Army Air Base.SOMEWHERE IN IRAN—“Sorry totrouble you with another change of ad-dress but in this business you just don’tstake out a homestead and stay there.But maybe some day I’ll get home andgo over to San Pedro for a Gypsy Tour.The magazine is coming through O.K.and you can bet if it don’t I’ll sure letyou hear about it. My wife writes methat the A.M.A. pins and membershipcards which you wrote to Mr. Smith aboutfor me came along and I want to thankyou for it.”—Sgt. Herman C. Myers.111GAP, PA.—“Please enter a subscriptionfor Everett Hershey who has been inAfrica for over a year. He wrote askingus to have you send it to him there.”—Mrs. Ralph Hershey.ARLINGTON^ VA.—“Here is $2.00 fora subscription to be sent to my brother,Pvt. Francis Morley, who is overseas andwishes to have it sent to him throughthis A.P.O. address.”—Mary E. Morley, Y 3/C, USNR.111PORT ANGELES, WASH.—“I amsending $2.00 for subscription for Jack-son Thompson, serving with the Army inNorth Africa. He doesn’t want to miss asingle copy and though he cannot receiveit there, the magazine will be waiting andjust as interesting when he returns home.”—Alice Decker.The Government delivers magazines tosoldiers abroad and we have many hun-dreds of A.P.O. subscriptions. Deliveriesare sometimes delayed but most of theboys write us the magazine gets throughquite promptly.—Ed.A.P.O, NEW YORK—“Please send methe special offer of the Motorcyclist andcopy of Questions & Answers which wasrecommended to me by the Harley-Davidson Motor Co. I am one of theirfans in the armed forces and we all haveour job to do. Mine happens to be motor-cycles which I enjoy very much.”—Sgt. Hampton C. Haddox.We hone you do enioy the Motor-cyclist and we thank the Harley-Davidsonfor their plug.—Ed.111WATERLOO. IOWA—“I am enclos-ing my renewal, and wish to extend mycompliments on the splendid way you andthe staff have carried on the magazineIt seems to me I have detected somechanges in editorial policy and to the bet-ter. This year numbers my 26th since Ifirst threw a leg over a sputter-bike, but’the acquaintances made with real old tim-ers like J. J. O’Connor through the pagesof the Motorcyclist make me feel like Iam still a youngster at the sport. I havecertainly enjoyed Mr. O’Connor’s articlesand hated to see them end. Keep up thegood work.”—Paul Brokaw, FI-D Dealer.In January, 1943, Paul Brokaw as Sec-retary of the Black Hawk M. C., Water-loo, Iowa, sent in a story on the death ofthe five Sullivan brothers, all members ofthe Black Hawks, who were lost in thesinking of the U.S.S. Cruiser Juneau, inwaters off the Solomons. All membersof the Black Hawks, including Paul Bro-kaw, subsequently entered some phase ofmilitary service. After a serious illnessand a critical operation at Mayos, Paulis back on the job as Harley dealer inWaterloo. He writes: “I just pulledthrough my operation by the skin of myteeth. Hell is so full of Japs and HunsI guess there wasn’t any room for aminor sinner like myself.”111EXIRA, IOWA—“Please find enclosed$2.00 for the Motorcylist for another year.Highly satisfied with the magazine andI indeed congratulate everybody concern-ed with the fine service rendered.”—Herman Kuehl.EDGERTOn/mINN. —“Here’s $2.00for another year’s subscription. Keep itgoing. I sure enjoy it.”—Shirl Kleinjan.HOLLAND, OHIO—“Here’s my re-newal. Just can’t get along without yourmagazine as I still have the motorcyclinglife at heart.”—H. H. Dodge.111CAMP COOKE, CALIF.—“Here’s mynew address as I have just been trans-ferred from Chicago. I love motorcyclingas dearly and ardently as any other en-thusiast and I appreciate your magazinefor all its values above the actual appar-THEY SAYent physical values and am ready andwilling to aid you as far as I can by stand-ing behind you with my support, moral,actual and future. Believe me, Sirs, hereis one fellow who really appreciates thework you arc doing.”—Pvt. Benj. E. Newhouse.Thanks, Mr. Newhouse, for your en-couraging words and also for the splen-did proffer of cooperation you made uspersonally when you dropped into the of-fice the other day. I am sure the fac-tories as well as the Motorcyclist appre-ciate the spirit of you boys who are fight-ing for us.—Ed.111MALDEN, MASS—“I have just putdown your December issue. It’s funnybut when a man does a swell job no oneever thinks to tell him, but when he islousy—boy, how he hears about it! So Iam telling you the job you people are do-ing is swell! Why the big advertisersdon’t come through I can’t understand.My hat’s off to Indian for their Decem-ber ad. Keep it up. We all know whatyou are up against ”—William J. Scanlan,The Curran Corp.111SAN RAFAEL, CALIF.—“Keep upthe excellent work. The fellows certainlylook forward to the ‘mag’ every month.”—S/Sgt. Jos. Bukovec.111MIDDLETOWN, OHIO — “Receivedmy January issue of the Motorcyclist yes-terday and have read it through complete-ly already. I think the story by J. J.O’Connor on the ‘History of the Ameri-can Motorcycle’ is the best article of itskind I have ever read and it alone wasworth a year’s subscription. I would liketo see the Q. & A. column again and afew ads by Harley and Indian. Otherwisethe mag is just what I like.”—Alfred Nolan.Hap Jameson, Indian and Harley-Davidson, take notice.—Ed.1 1 1CARBONDALE, ILL.—Enclosed findmy renewal. This is my fourth year ina row to get the Motorcyclist and I hopeto still be getting it when I am 100 yearsold. It really fills the bill for an all-around motorcycle riders’ magazine. Therecent articles on old models is very in-teresting. Keep it up as long as you haveanything to print. Keep up the good workuntil the war is over and we can againget together at those big races all overthe country.”—Matt Hall, Indian Dealer.111FLEET POST OFFICE, N. Y. —Please send me a copy of Questions &Answers. Being at sea most of the time,the one attachment I have with motor-cycling is reading material, i particularlyenjoy the Motorcyclist which I take butthe copies reach me very irregularly likeall other mail.”—Ensign W. F. Williams.i 1 1FROM THE SOUTHWEST PA-CIFIC—“Here’s $2.50 for my renewal anda copy of Uncle Frank’s Questions & An-swers. I have traveled quite a distancesince I first subscribed to your magazinea year ago. The magazine is very inter-esting and I enjoy it very much. I stillhave my motor, a ’37 Harley 80, trimmedwith ’39 fenders, ’41 wheels, nickle platedgas tank and, best of all, practically newtires—but it don’t do me any good overhere. Flore’s a toast to the day this isall over and we can get back in the sad-dles again. I'm happy to be a memberof a great fraternity.”—Pvt. Lyle B. Dannen.111BANGOR, ME.—“Please find enclosed$2.50 for year’s subscription to the Motor-cyclist and copy of Questions & Answersto be sent to S/Sgt. John T. Scott, over-seas, at the address given. Hope you cankeep the mag. going for the duration.”—Wendell FI. Collier.SPOKANE, WASH.—“Enclosed is mycheck for three subscriptions and one Q.& A. with the addresses to which I wishthem sent. Thanks to you guys and galswho are keeping the sport of motorcyclingalive so that we can be better preparedfor the happy days that will come againafter the war.”—Larry Lane, Indian Motorcycles.111ELY, IOWA—“Received a letter fromthe Old Marine (my son, Ernest W.Florack, “somewhere in the Pacific”) say-ing his subscription is about expired andhe wants us to renew it for him."—Wm. J. Florack.111JEFFERSON BARRACKS, MO.—“AsI really enjoy the Motorcyclist I am writ-ing to let you know of another change ofaddress. Flere’s hoping you're able to getsome articles on mechanical subjects andthe military models soon—not complaining,understand — because you give no causefor complaint in your swell magazine.”—Pvt. Don Lawrence.111BUTLER. OHIO—“Please start myrenewal with the first issue of 1944. Itis the best magazine published and it sureis a pleasure to read it.”—Charlie Johnson.111AURORA. ILL.—“Herewith my re-newal. I am one of many who arc re-membering the fine support the Ameri-can-made motorcycle factories are givingyou today."—Alex Novogrudski.No foolin’, Alex?—Ed.111SAVANNAH. GA.—“Please send theMotorcyclist to my new address. I haveenjoyed reading every copy. I have a 61Harley and have had it with me since Ijoined the army and it has been a realbuddy to me."—Kenneth R. Siegel.THE war has claimed the life of anothergallant soldier, Loren W. Anderson ofthe U. S. Navy, and a member of a famousfamily of motorcyclists. Loren, Gene andMerrill (Andy) Anderson were well knownfigures in motoring circles in the middlewest throughout the '20s and the latter,particularly was nationally known as acontestant and promoter of motorcycleracing and hillclimbing and as Harley-Davidson dealer in Des Moines, Iowa.Loren, age 36 at the time of his death.MOTOR MAID WIVESBY BETTY HILDOCKPa. State Director, Motor MaidsTHE MOTOR MAIDS are proud of our1 service men for what they are doing allover the world. Mostly though, it’s becausesomeone we know is in there pitching . . .Johnny, Jimmy or Joe, a member of ourclub, one of the gang. Swell fellows.Among the Motor Maids we have Peg.Marge, Vera. Joyce. Rita. Julia. Lonnieand Jean, and more to come. No, theydidn’t join the WAC’s or WAVES—,they’re the wives of some of those guys,some of whom are already in combat andothers in training camps.Perhaps we don't have the same tremen-dous pride in them as we do the boys butwe are mighty proud of them. too. Each,in her own way, is helping to hasten andwin this war a lot with big, personal thingslike love and faith and cheerful sacrifice,and other things, too. like sending all thenews from home, keeping the cycle intrim ready to ride together when theirhusbands return. Day by day these wivescarry on courageously and faithfully on awar job in a defense plant helping to keepsupplies rolling for a quick victon- andpeace and to bring their men back homeagain.111ARTHUR DAVIDSONNEW M & ATA HEADAT THE ANNUAL meeting of theMotorcycle & Allied Trades Associa-tion held in New York. January I9th,Arthur Davidson. Harley-Davidson Com-pany. was elected president for the ensu-ing year. Arthur Davidson is the dean ofAmerican motorcycle manufacturers andfor many years has been prominent in theLOREN ANDERSONJCitU inoath, [-''acific ^Jnuaiionenlisted in the Navy in 1942. After receiv-ing training with the Amphibious Forceshe was sent to the South Pacific and tookpart in a number of successful landings asa member of an LCT boat. His death oc-curred in a recent landing operation inthat war theater.Loren was an ardent motorcyclist sinceboyhood, as was his brother, Lt. Gene C.Anderson, Navy bomb diver pilot, whowas stationed on Guadalcanal and tookpart in all the important operations center-ing there during 1943. Gene has recentlybeen returned to the United States and isstationed at present in Florida as a fighterpilot instructor.Merrill “Andy” is at present associatedwith Johnson Motors. Inc. of Los Angeles.“Andy” has been the starter for most ofthe Speedway and T.T. Races held inSouthern California during the past thir-teen years.councils of the M & ATA. Other officersfor the coming year are W. J. Greenop.Edison-Splitdorf Company, vice-president:Dwight Moody, Indian Motocycle Com-pany. treasurer and E. C. Smith, secretary.111MOTOR MAIDSIN ARMED SERVICESpi1 in service, news was received this pastmonth that Arlene Sonnenfelt. CampAbbot. Oregon, has been promoted to therank of corporal. Congratulations,“Sunny." And at Minter Field. Calif.. Pfc.Nelle Jo Gill has been confined to quarterswith a fractured ankle. Best wishes for ahasty recovery. Nelle Jo.After completing basic training at Day-tona Beach. Florida. November 23rd.Marion Trow, another Motor Maid, is nowat Pine Bluff, Ark. as a private in theEngineers Service Department.Three new members from Californiawere recently welcomed to the roster ofthe M.M.A..—Jessie Harr. Stockton: Eve-lyn Windsor. Riverside: and Joyce Mor-gan. Pomona.A Club Interest program will be pro-moted throughout the coming year withawards presented to each member whocontributes prompt and full interest in allclub endeavors. Members are also antici-pating enrolling in the A.M.A. PatrioticContest. 111THANKS again, you Motor Maids, for$10.00 received during the past mouthfor our USO subscription fund. As a resultof this generosity subscriptions have beenentered for USO Center Libraries atPensacola. Florida: Houston. Texas:Charleston, So. Car., and Tampa. Florida.DEALER GUIDEARIZONAPHOENIX — Bill Kennedy’s Harley-Davidson SalesCo., 1234 East Washington Boulevard.CALIFORNIAFRESNO—Indian Sales & Service. Well equippedshop for your needs. Good supply of parts. Dropin and let’s get acquainted. Indian Motor Sales &Service. 450 N. H St. Ed. Sumner, Prop.HO LLY WOOD—Morty Graves—D.B.A.—GaynorMotors. Specializing in English Motors, also latestin used H-D and Indians, and Scooters. Completeline of Parts and Accessories. Expert mechanics.5950 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Calif. Phone,Hillside 5332.LOS ANGELES—Johnson Motors. Inc., Distribu-tors for Ariel, Triumph, James, Excelsior motor-cycles and parts, Villiers engines and parts, Lucaselectrical equipment, Amel carbureters and parts,Coventry chains. Avon tires, Albion gear boxes,Hepolite pistons. Inquiries promptly answered.1240 West Pico Blvd., Los Angeles 15, California,Prospect 3291.LOS ANGELES—Glenn I. Wagner MotorcycleSales. Motorcycles financed for private parties.Complete line parts and accessories. 1212 EastFlorence Avenue, Los Angeles. Calif.NAPA & VALLEJO — Nelson Bettencourt—Har-ley-Davidson Sales & Service, 1021 Coombs St.,Napa; 317 Marin St., Vallejo.OAKLAND — Claude Salmon. Harley-DavidsonSales & Service. Harley-Davidson Headquartersin Oakland. 3039 Myrtle St., at 31st and SanPablo.PASADENA—Motorcycle, Motor Scooter andAutomobile sales financed for dealers and indi-viduals. Call, write or come see us. Walt KiddFinance Co., Phone SYcamore 2-4821, 570 NorthLake Ave., Pasadena 4.RICHMOND—Motorcycle Tradin’ Post. The placeto trade motorcycles. Cash for yours, any condi-tion, in five minutes. We buy, sell, swap, tradeor what have you. Pacific Coast Distributors forB. S. A. Cycles, Ltd., largest and oldest EnglishManufacturers. 401 23rd St.RIVERSIDE—Skip Fordyce Har-Dav Sales, 369814th St. The most beautiful motorcycle shop inAmerica. "Where main street leads to the frontdoor." Enjoy shopping in the Nation’s most com-plete accessory department. Ten show cases jam-med full. If others don’t have it, try us. FREEPOOL and GAME ROOMS. We don’t care whatbrand of "horsepower" you ride. Write your cnt,“cisms in our guest book. We want to improve andintend to, so please help us. Closed Thursdays butopen all other days including Sunday for thebenefit of defense workers.SAN DIEGO—Ruhle & Artley. Harley-DavidsonSales & Service. Every convenience for the rider.929 India Street.SAN DIEGO—Guy Urquhart. Indian Sales & com-plete service on all makes of motorcycles. One ofthe largest parts and accessory stocks in the UnweaStates. Immediate service on mail orders. Ariders welcome. 1041 Columbia St.SAN FRAN CISCO —Dudley Perkins. Harley-Davidson Sales & Service. The Motorcyclistsheadquarters, 655 Ellis Street.SAN FRANCISCO—Hap Jones, Indian Sales &Service. Where riders of all makes are given equalhospitality and service. 235 Valencia Street.SAN JOSE—Tom Sifton — Harley-Davidson Sales& Service, A full line of new and used models.A complete stock of parts. 580 South First Street,San Jose.SANTA ANA — Carriker & Koons, Indian Motor-cycle Sales & Service. Most complete cycleplant in Southern California. 2806 No. Main.Phone 6476.COLORADODENVER — Indian Motorcycle Sales & Service.The most complete stock of Indian parts in thecountry. Everything for the motorcyclist. All tour-ists welcome. Mike Tagaris, Prop. 1812-14 Arapa-hoe Street. Phone Tabor 9283.GEORGIAaccessories in this region. Tourists,oil. Fully equipt repair shop. PromptILLINOISConde's Indian Motorcycle Sales115 West Glover St., Ottawa, Ill.ATLANTA—Indian Motorcycle Sales, Inc. Largestand best equipped shop in the South. Large stockused motors and motor bikes, parts and accessories.Motorcyclists always welcome at Ted EdwardsPlace, 624 Spring St., N.W.IDAHOBOISE — Don A. Gamble’s Harley-DavidsonAgency, on Highway No. 30, 1604 Front St.,Boise, Idaho.IDAHO FALLS—Blasius Brothers, Inc., Harley-Davidson Sales & Service. Most complete stockof parts andgenuine H-Dservice.OTTAWA—C.and Service.Phone 115. Authorized Indian Dealer.INDIANAINDIANAPOLIS—Harley-Davidson Sales & Serv-ice-Package Trucks—Servi-Cars. Complete stockof parts. Information for the tourist. John Morgan.Prop 701 South Meridian St.—Phone Rilley 7012.KENTUCKYLOUISVILLE—Cunningham Motorcycle Com-pany Harley-Davidson Distributors. A completestock’ of Harley-Davidson Parts. Accessories andH-D Oil. 1818 West Broadway. SHawnee 8266.MAINEq AN FORD—Indian Sales & Service. Parts, acces-sories. tires and Indian Oil. Tourist information.T H Goodrich, School Street' MISSOURIvans AS CITY—Indian Motorcycle Sales—LargestCtodt of Indian parts in the Middle West. Newandused machines—Accessories. 2701 E. 15th St.VAM?A?hCITY — Genuine Harley-Davidson parts.We specialize on mail orders Can supply mosteverything for any motorcyc e. Send for CycleChatter Whitman Motorcycle and Supply Co..405-9 SouthwestNBEBRASKAT TNCOLN—Vernon Goodwin Indian Motorcycleand Service. Where riders of all makes areWELCOME an" treated alike. On Rock IslandDepot Drive.NEW JERSEYELIZABETH — George Adamec, Harley-Davidsonrider dealer. Most complete stock of parts andaccessories in this section. H-D oiL Expert re-pairing. Friendly service. Drop in on your waythrough Elizabeth. 261 North Broad Street. PhoneEL-2-7248.NEWARK—Welcome, Newark Visitors. Carl W.Bush Co., 518 Broad St., Newark, N. J. Harley-Davidson motorcycles, parts and repairs. Phone:Market 2-0841.NEWARK—Largest stock of new and used motor-cycles in the Metropolitan area. All tourists in-vited. Open every evening. Bob Sarkegian. IndianMotorcycle Distributor, 356 Broadway, Newark.N. J. Phone Humboldt 2-2630.NEW YORKMANHATTAN — Visit the hub of MetropolitanM/C activities. A hearty welcome to all cyclists.Complete stock INDIANS and others. Motor-cycles Incorporated. 118-120 East 129 St. BetweenPark and Lexington Aves. Phone Lehigh 4-3731.OHIOCINCINNATI—Harley-Davidson Sales & Service—Motorcycles and package trucks. Complete stockof parts. Stop in and see us, Ray Konkler, Pro-prietor. 1924 Central Parkway — Phone CHerry3202.CINCINNATI—May we help you to "Keep ’emRolling”? We specialize in expert service & repair-ing, also cylinder grinding and honing. Completestock of genuine Indian parts and accessories. Mailorders promptly filled. Indian Motor Sales Co.. 30W. 12th St., PArkway 5966. Ray Hummel, Prop.PENNSYLVANIAEASTON—You will get first class service. GENU-INE INDIAN parts, accessories, oil. tires andbatteries, good used motorcycles and a WarmWelcome at Easton Cycle & Sports. 621 WalnutSt. Authorized INDIAN Sales and Service.Herman Levine, Dealer. Phone Easton 2-0101.READING—Visit Charles "Red” Wolverton onyour way to Reading’s GREAT new airport. Al-most anything you need for your Harley-Davidsonand with the best possible service during hostil-ities. 125 N. Front St.TEXASDALLAS — Indian Sales Company, 2723 MainStreet. “Wildest Traders in Texas."EL PASO—Indian Sales Co.. 205 West San AntonioSt., El Paso. Texas. Full line parts, accessories, oiland reliable service. On Highway 80. "Year ’roundscenic route from Coast to Coast.” Walter Lupton,Dealer.HOUSTON—Indian Motorcycle Sales, 1422 Frank-lin Avenue. Complete line of parts, accessories,oil. Located on Highway 90. "Hearty Welcometo All.”SAN ANTONIO—Pierce Bros. Indian Sales. 107-09W. Martin Street, San Antonio, Texas. "GoodService. Genuine Parts and a Real Texas Wel-come‘” WASHINGTONTACOMA—CLARENCE POTTER CO. Harley-Davidson Motorcycles. Complete stock of partsand accessories. Tourist information. 19th andFawcett. And much more! 16827
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Publication Month: February
Publication Year: 1944
Publication Frequency: Monthly
Language: English
Publication Name: Motorcyclist
Contributors: Arthur E. Welch
Features: Illustrated
Publisher: Western Journal Company
Genre: Action & Adventure, Activity, Antiques & Collectibles, History, Men, News, Sports, Transport, Travel & Geography
Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
Topic: Motocross, Motorcycle